
What is multi sensory impairment?

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Multi sensory impairment (MSI) is the loss of sight and hearing. It can also be referred to as deafblindness.

Learners with a multi sensory impairment face challenges in the following areas:

  • communicating with others
  • accessing information
  • moving around the environment. 

There is no single/main cause as there are a wide range of conditions which can cause a multi sensory impairment.

Many conditions are extremely rare. Some conditions may cause changes over time in how well children see or hear, or in their health or general development.

Multi sensory impairment covers a large spectrum, it varies from person to person so it affects everyone in different ways.

Each child and young person, therefore, has to be assessed individually.

Further information & support:

  • Sense provide support to help people communicate, experience the world and fulfil their potential.
  • Deafblind UK provide information advice and support to those who need it. 


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