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Background and Annual Reviews

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Background to Preparing for Adulthood (PfA)

In September 2014 a new law called the 'Children and Families Act' came into force. This has brought about some changes in the way children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) are supported in education. 

This law gave new rights to young people who are over 16 and no longer of compulsory school age. Young people can make decisions in their own right about the support they receive, including taking control of their own EHC plan, if they are able to. Young people with special educational needs (SEN) can be supported up until they are 25.  

Annual reviews are an opportunity for a young person to discuss what they would like to achieve as they grow up with: 

  • family 
  • school or college 
  • local authority 

The aim is for young people with SEN to be supported towards greater independence and employability. 

What does Preparing for Adulthood mean? 

Preparing for Adulthood means preparing for:

1. Higher education and/or employment

This includes exploring different employment options, such as support for becoming self-employed and help from supported employment agencies. 

2. Independent living

Independent living gives young people a choice, control and freedom over their lives and the support they have, their accommodation and living arrangements (including supported living). 

3. Participating in society

This includes having friends, supportive relationships, participating in and contributing to the local community.

4. Being healthy

Being as healthy as possible in adult life. 

The importance of Preparing for Adulthood

Being supported towards greater independence and employability can be life-transforming for young people with SEND. This support needs to start early and should centre on the young person's own aspirations, interests and needs. 

The SEND Code of Practice (2015) sets out the requirements of the Children and Families Act (2014).

There may be very good reasons to start planning for adulthood sooner than Year 9. All professionals working with young people should share high aspirations and have a good understanding of what support is effective in enabling them to achieve their ambitions.

Annual Reviews

Annual reviews from Year 9 must include a focus on:

  • planning of support for SEND and health/social care needs to meet the planned outcomes around the following: 
    • employment 
    • independent living and housing 
    • friends and community participation 
    • health and wellbeing
  • the best post-16  provision to help achieve career aspirations and planned outcomes, opinions and choices for the next phase of education. For example, invite representatives of post-16 institutions to review meetings. 
  • the young person's views being taken into account is paramount as per the new legislation. 
  • planning the transition to adult social and health care where necessary.  

Paragraph 8.10 of the SEND Code of Practice says that Preparing for Adulthood planning in the review of the EHC Plan should include the following:

Support to prepare for higher education and/or employment  

This should include identifying appropriate post-16 pathways that will lead to these outcomes. Training options such as supportive internships, apprenticeships and traineeships should be discussed, or support for setting up their own business. 

The review should also cover support in finding a job and learning how to do a job (for example, through work experience or the use of job coaches), and help in understanding any welfare benefits that might be available when in work. 

Support to prepare for independent living 

This should include exploring what decisions young people want to take for themselves and planning their role in decision-making, as they become older. It should also include discussing where the young person wants to live in the future, who they want to live with and what support they will need. 

Local housing options, support in finding accommodation, housing benefits and social care support should be explained. 

Support in maintaining good health in adult life

This should include effective planning with health services to transition from specialist pediatric services to adult health care. Helping children and young people understand which health professionals will work with them as adults.

You should ensure those professionals understand the young person’s learning difficulties or disabilities. Planning well-supported transitions are vital to ensure young people are as healthy as possible in adult life.

Support in participating in society

This should include understanding mobility and transport support, how to find out about social/community activities and opportunities for engagement in local decision-making. This also includes support in developing and maintaining friendships and relationships. 

It is important to remember that schools and colleges have duties to participate in the planning process for Year 9 onwards.

The SEND Code of Practice states if it is clear that a young person wants to attend a different school (Sixth Form) or a college, then that school of college must co-operate. This is so it can help to shape the EHC plan, help to define the outcomes and start developing a post-16 study programme tailored to their needs. 

Developing outcomes in EHC Plans