
Analyse School Performance (ASP)

Analyse School Performance (ASP)

ASP is a web-based interactive tool developed by Ofsted and the Department for Education (DfE). It allows schools to review their performance data to support self-evaluation. It is also the main source of data for School Improvement Advisers and OfSTED Inspectors.

The system is accessed through the DfE Secure Access system:

DfE Secure Access system

Please note that the Local Authority is unable to set up new accounts or reset passwords for users – this is managed directly by DfE.  Schools need to complete a "SA service request form" available below:

SA service request form

ASP should be used to access you school's Ofsted Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR).  Further information about the IDSR and how to use it is available below:

Ofsted Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR) guidance

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