
Chiltern and South Bucks team

The Chiltern and South Bucks team

The Buckinghamshire iSEND team consists of teams of professionals including Educational Psychologists, Specialist Teachers, Education, Health and Care Coordinators (EHCCos), SEND Inclusion Advisors and other specialised professionals. These individuals work collaboratively to assess, plan, implement and review, personalized support for children and young people with SEND.

The primary role of the iSEND Service is to ensure that children and young people with SEND, at a SEN Support level or those with an EHCP, have access to the appropriate educational opportunities that meet their individual needs. They work closely with settings to facilitate inclusive education and promote an inclusive learning environment for all.

The iSEND Service collaborates with parents, carers, and professionals to assess and identify the specific needs of children and young people with SEND. They contribute to the development and implementation of Education, Health, and Care Plans (EHCPs), which outline the support and provision required to meet the individual's needs.

Additionally, the iSEND Service offers advice and guidance to parents and educational staff regarding the provision of specialised support, interventions, and accommodations for students with SEND. They provide training and professional development opportunities for educators to enhance their understanding and skills in supporting children and young people with additional needs.

The iSEND Service plays a crucial role in coordinating and facilitating the transition process for children and young people with SEND as they move between educational stages or transition into adulthood. They ensure continuity of support and services during these transitions and work closely with other agencies and service providers, such as health and social care professionals.

General enquiries

For general queries please contact:

General enquiries:

EHC coordinators:

Specialist Teachers:

Educational Psychologists:

Post annual review paperwork:

If your query is in regard to a specific pupil please contact your allocated EHC Coordinator or named professional directly.

SEND Area Team Manager

Responsibility for the integrated SEND service in each area. Direct management of senior staff and some whole county responsibility for specific projects.

Matthew Oliver


SEND Inclusion Advisor 

Fiona Downing

The SEND Inclusion Advisor reports to the Area Team Manager. The focus of this role is to support schools with developing their inclusive practice. This may involve:

  • support to identify systematic needs within settings
  • working with other colleagues across the area on projects in schools
  • supporting schools to develop their own best practice in partnership with colleagues in other schools.

The SEND Inclusion Advisor is also involved in whole county projects and commitments for specific areas of SEND. 

Referrals are not made to the SEND Inclusion Advisor but please do email if you would like to know more about the work being undertaken.  

The SEND Inclusion Advisor does not work directly with students or families (including students with an EHCP), as this support is offered by our teams of EHCCos and Specialist Teachers. 

Senior EHC Coordinators

Responsibility for the direct line management EHC Coordinators (EHCO) within the CSB area. Providing oversight and management in relation to complex cases and leading on key areas within the iSEND Service.

Rachael Reeves


Joel Mwangi


EHC Coordinators

All schools/settings within Buckinghamshire are allocated a named EHC Coordinator. You can find out your named EHCO here:

Education, Health, and Care (EHC) Co-ordinators by School

Their email is in the format

Senior Educational Psychologists

Dr. Scott Ighavongbe-Patrick

Responsibility for the management of the team of Educational Psychologists (EP’s) and Assistant EP based in CSB.


Educational Psychologists

Educational Psychologists (EPs) undertake a range of work aimed at promoting inclusion, psychological well-being and raising standards for children and young people aged 0 to 19 years, across the full range of abilities.

All schools/settings within Buckinghamshire are allocated an EP.

Their email is in the format

Senior Specialist Teacher

Paula Stares

Management of the specialist teachers and leading on county projects and commitments for specific areas of SEND


Specialist teachers

More about specialist teachers, and what we offer

Senior Specialist Teacher Lead - Hearing Support and Multi-Sensory Impairment (countywide)

Hannah Morgan



Senior Specialist Teacher Lead – Vision Impairment and Physical Disabilities Teams (countywide)

Nicola Davidson




iSEND Support Coordinator

Belinda Nunn

Manager of the iSEND Support Officers, and is responsible for delivering information and business support services within the iSEND Service for the CSB team.


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