
Improving your governing board

Continuous improvement is not only is not the only key for schools, but vital for Governing Boards too. An effective governing board will have clear structures and processes in place to carry out its functions effectively. Absolute clarity about the different roles and responsibilities of the headteacher and governors underpins the most effective governance. Protocols, specific duties and terms of reference are made explicit in written documents.

The governing board should plan work across the year ahead, dovetailing into the school annual cycles e.g. school improvement planning, budget setting, performance management and target setting. A good governing board will think of itself as a tam and will be well lead. There will be open and trusting relationships between governors and the senior leadership of the school.

Governors will take their individual responsibilities seriously by preparing well for and contributing to meetings with pertinent questions. There may be a code of conduct that all governors sign up to. A good governing board will evaluate its own performance honestly, acting on its findings.

There will be clear induction procedures for new governors and individual governors will continue to take their own training needs seriously. Strategic Leadership involves thinking ahead about succession planning, both for the school and for the governing board itself. 

View the available training we have for governors

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